Health Elite Individual
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Comprehensive health Insurance plan


  • Sum Insured Protector : In case the customer has opted for this cover, the SI will be increased at renewal on the basis of inflation rate of previous year.
  • World Wide Cover In case the customer has opted for this cover, Hospitalization expenses incurred abroad shall be paid with a co-pay of 10%
  • Domiciliary hospitalisation: Coverage for medical expenses in a situation where the Insured Person is in such a state that he/she cannot be moved to a hospital or the treatment is taken at home if there's a nonavailability of room in the hospital
  • Claim Protector :-Incase the customer has opted for this cover, the IRDAI list of excluded items shall become payable in case of a claim
  • Sum Insured Protector : In case the customer has opted for this cover, the SI will be increased at renewal on the basis of inflation rate of previous year.
Title Description
Room Rent Limit No Capping
ICU Daily Rent Limit No Capping
Pre-Hospitalization Expenses 30 days
Post Hospitalization Expenses 60 days
Minimum Hospitalization Period 24 hours
Day Care Procedure Coverage Covered
Additional Cover for Critical Illness The customer can opt for Critical Illness Cover covering specified Critical Illnesses
Automatic Restoration of Sum Insured up to 100% of the base Sum Insured unlimited times in a policy year
Pre-Existing Disease / Illness coverage Covered after 2 years
Waiting Period for New Policy 30 days
Co-Payment Only Hospitalization expenses incurred abroad with a co-pay of 10%
Medical Screening No medical tests will be required for insurance cover below the age of 46 years and Sum Insured up to `10 Lakhs
Free Health Checkup The coupons would be provided to each Insured for every policy year, subject to a maximum of 2 coupons per year for floater policies.
Ambulance Expenses Coverage limit under this shall be 1% of the SI up to a maximum of 10,000.. Air Ambulanceup to SI
Non-Allopathic Treatments Covered
New Born Baby Cover Covered, maximum period up to 91 days from the date of birth of the child
Daily Hospitalization Allowance If hospitalisation is atleast for a minimum of 3 consecutive days and subject to maximum of 10 consecutive days
Donor Expenses Covered Upto 10 Lacs
No Claim Bonus 10% of SI for each completed claim free year subject to a maximum of 50%, in case of Claim reduction in Accumulated SI by 10%. Optional Super NCB of 100% for SI 5Lto 10L and 200% for SI 15Lto 50L, in case of claim 50% reduction

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