Health Care Plus
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Healthcare Plus Policy, a health insurance cover that takes care of excess payment that may arise due to the amount paid for illness over and above existing cover.


  • Sum Insured can be enhanced only upon renewal, subject to underwriter's approval.
  • Single premium across different age groups.
  • Flexible Sum Insured and Deductibles & No Co- pay.
  • Individual cover for each member of the family.
  • Value added services through ICICI Lombard Health Care.
  • The policy allows to include or exclude a member in the plan only at the time of renewal.
  • Pre existing diseases covered after a waiting period of 4 years.
  • Tax rebate available as per provision of Income Tax Rules under section 80-D.
Title Description
Room Rent Limit No Limit
ICU Daily Rent Limit No Limit
Minimum Hospitalization Period 24 Hrs
Automatic Restoration of Sum Insured Yes
Pre-Existing Disease / Illness coverage After 48 months
Waiting Period for New Policy 30 Days
Medical Screening For 56 yrs & above
Free Health Checkup Yes, Annually
Daily Hospitalization Allowance No Limit

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