Swasth Parivar
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Chola Swasth Parivar Insurance is a comprehensive insurance which provides insurance cover hospitalization expenses for families on a floating sum insured basis and Personal Accident cover for your family members on individual Sum Insured basis.


  • Get Dual protection, hospitalization cover on floater basis and personal accident coverage on individual basis (under Plan Royale)
  • No medical checkup upto 55 years.
  • Two plans-Pearl & Royale with flexible sum insured options.
  • Life long policy renewal is available.
  • Tax exemption under Section 80(D) for up to Rs.25,000.
  • Pre-existing illnesses covered after 48 months of the Policy.
  • Chola MS HELP 24X7 team to serve in all Claim related issues, no TPA Involvement.
  • Network of 5000 Hospitals for the option of cashless hospitalisation.
Title Description
Ambulance Expenses Covered
Co-Payment 10% to 15%
Day Care Procedure Coverage 141 procedures covered.
ICU Daily Rent Limit 1.5% of SI
Medical Screening After 55 Yrs of age
Minimum Hospitalization Period 24 Hrs
Post Hospitalization Expenses 60 Days
Pre-Existing Disease / Illness coverage After 48 months
Pre-Hospitalization Expenses 30 Days
Room Rent Limit 1% of SI
Waiting Period for New Policy 30 Days

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