Heartbeat Family First - Silver
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Family First, a first of its kind Plan which has been designed keeping in mind the health insurance needs of the Indian joint family.


  • Health check ups once in Two years at the time of Renewal.
  • Direct Claim settlement, No third party involved.
  • Optional benefit of 10% and 20% Co- pay.
  • Cashless facility with over 3500 Quality Hospitals in the network offering cashless hospitalisation.
  • Child Care Benefits including New Born baby cover.
  • Tax saving U/S 80D of the Income tax Act.
  • Earn Points under Health relationship loyalty program.
  • Emergency Ambulance cover covered upto sum insured.
Title Description
Room Rent Limit Up to 3000 or Shared room
ICU Daily Rent Limit Up to 3000 or Shared room
Pre-Hospitalization Expenses 30 days
Post Hospitalization Expenses 60 days
Minimum Hospitalization Period 24 Hrs
Day Care Procedure Coverage Covered
Pre-Existing Disease / Illness coverage After 48 months
Waiting Period for New Policy 90 days
Co-Payment Max 20%, for age less than 65 years
Free Health Checkup Once in 2 years
Ambulance Expenses Covered
New Born Baby Cover Covered
Donor Expenses Covered
No Claim Bonus Up to 10 %, Max 50%

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