Individual Health
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The Policy provides cover on an Individual Sum Insured basis for an individual.


  • Sum insured on Rs 2 Lakhs, Rs 3 Lakhs, Rs 5 Lakhs, Rs 8 Lakhs, Rs 10 Lakhs, Rs 15 Lakhs, Rs 20 Lakhs
  • One Year. Renewable annually.
Title Description
Ambulance Expenses on Payment of Addition Rs 100, Ambulance cover of Rs 2500/year
Daily Hospitalization Allowance Rs 250/day, Max 2500/Year and Rs 500/day max Rs 5000/year on payment additional premium of Rs 150 and Rs 300 respectively
Day Care Procedure Coverage 140 day care produres covered
Free Health Checkup Once at the end of block of 3 Years. Max 1% of average Sum Insured
ICU Daily Rent Limit 2% of the Sum Insured per day.
Minimum Hospitalization Period 24 hours
Non-Allopathic Treatments Covered
Post Hospitalization Expenses 60 days
Pre-Existing Disease / Illness coverage Platinum:Pre-existing disease exclusion does not apply. Gold:-Covered after 48 months of continuous coverage. Senior Citizen:-Covered after 48 months of continuous coverage
Pre-Hospitalization Expenses 30 days
Room Rent Limit 1% of the Sum Insured per day.
Waiting Period for New Policy 30 days

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