Unique Health Insurance
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Unique health insurance plan stand true to its name as it offers the unique feature of covering medical expenses for certain pre-existing diseases within 11 Months


  • Pre-existing diseases (other than those specified) are covered after 11 Months
  • Covers the HIV positive persons (except for treatment of HIV/AIDS) with minimum CD 4 Count
  • No Medical Tests required
  • Non-allopathic treatments are also covered
  • No third party Administrator, direct in-house claims settlement
  • Network of more than 6000 Hospitals accorss India
  • Free medical consultation available over phone 24X7 Toll free helpline
  • Tax rebate available as per provision of Income Tax Rules under section
Title Description
Room Rent Limit Up to 1% of sum insured, max 3000
Pre-Hospitalization Expenses 30 days
Post Hospitalization Expenses Up to 7% of hospitalization expenses, Max 5000
Minimum Hospitalization Period 24 Hrs
Day Care Procedure Coverage Specified procedure covered
Pre-Existing Disease / Illness coverage After11 months
Waiting Period for New Policy 30 days
Co-Payment Up to 30% of claim amount
Ambulance Expenses Up to 750 per hospitalization, Max 1500 per policy period
Non-Allopathic Treatments Up to 25% sum insured, Max 25000
Nursing Allowance Up to 1% of sum insured, Max 3000

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