Cancer Care Platinum
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Star Cancer Care Platinum Insurance Policy provides cover for persons diagnosed with Cancer (any stage). Also provides indemnity coverage for medical expenses incurred for Cancer and Non cancer ailments


  • Eligibility Persons who have been diagnosed with Cancer, aged between 5 months and 65 years can avail this Insurance. Proposer should be aged 18 years and above.
  • Sum Insured Options Section I - Rs.5,00,000/-, Rs.7,50,000/- and Rs.10,00,000/- |Section II - 50% of Section I sum insured.(Sum Insured under Section II c annot vary)
  • Instalment Facility available Premium can be paid Quarterly, Half yearly. Premium can also be paid Annually
  • SI Rs 5 Lac:- 30,000/- per eye per person and not exceeding 40,000/- per person per policy period | SI 7.5 Lac to 10 Lac :- 40,000/- per eye per person and not exceeding 60,000/- per person per policy period
  • Wellness Service: Diet and Nutrition Program: To strengthen/restore the immune system.
  • Wellness Service:Weight Management Program – To maintain healthy weight
  • Wellness Service:Specialist Consultation –Available through Star Tele-health app
  • Rehabilitation and Pain Management:- The company will pay the medical expenses for Rehabilitation and Pain Management up to the sub-limit (or) maximum up to 10% of the basic sum insured whichever is less, per policy year.
  • Coverage for Modern Treatment
Title Description
Room Rent Limit Single Standard A/C Room
ICU Daily Rent Limit Covered
Pre-Hospitalization Expenses 30 days
Post Hospitalization Expenses 60 days (up to 2% of the basic sum insured per hospitalization)
Minimum Hospitalization Period 24 hours
Day Care Procedure Coverage Covered
Pre-Existing Disease / Illness coverage Covered after 30 months (including Cancer)
Waiting Period for New Policy 30 days (except for Accidents) | For specific diseases 24 months | For Hospice Care 12 months
Co-Payment For insured persons whose age at the time of entry is 61 years and above co-payment of 10% of each and every claim amount for fresh as well as renewal policies
Medical Screening There is no pre medical tests irrespective of age. The previous medical records including details of treatment to be submitted along with proposal.
Free Health Checkup available for every claim free year Up to Rs 2,500/-
Ambulance Expenses Covered
Non-Allopathic Treatments Not covered
No Claim Bonus 5% for every claim free year maximum up to 50%

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