Health Gain Individual
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The Policy covers hospitalization expenses incurred by the Insured Person for treatment of illness or injury with many other Benefits at competitive premium.


  • Auto extension of policy for a tenure of 1 year in case of named critical illness
  • Re-instatement of 100% Sum Insured, if you have exhausted the total Sum Insured
  • Life Long renewal for health insurance
  • Pre-existing diseases are covered after 36 Months of continuous coverage
  • Domiciliary Hospitalization expenses are also covered
  • Claim service and Policy Service Guarantee
  • Tax rebate available as per provision of Income Tax Rules under section 80-D
Title Description
Room Rent Limit No Limit
ICU Daily Rent Limit No sub-limit
Pre-Hospitalization Expenses 60 days
Post Hospitalization Expenses 60 days
Minimum Hospitalization Period 24 Hrs
Day Care Procedure Coverage Yes
Additional Cover for Critical Illness Policy can be renewed for free under "Plan B" for specified critical illness
Pre-Existing Disease / Illness coverage After 36 months of continuous coverage has elapsed
Waiting Period for New Policy 30 days
Co-Payment Up to 20%, from age 61 years
Free Health Checkup After 4 claim free years
Ambulance Expenses Up to 3000
Donor Expenses Up to 50% Of sum insured, Max 500000
Nursing Allowance Covered
No Claim Bonus 33.33% increase in Base SI for every claim free year; Max up to 100%. 33.33% decrease in Base SI for every claim year; Max up to Cumulative Bonus earned.

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