Floater Mediclaim Policy
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New India Floater Mediclaim is a Policy designed to cover Hospitalisation expenses.


  • Family discount is introduced and will be applied on the basis of the numbers of member covered.
  • Sum insured has been increased to 15 lakhs.
  • 139 Day care procedures covered.
  • 10% of Sum Insured as Additional benefit is paid in case of Critical illness is diagnosed
Title Description
Room Rent Limit Up to 1% of sum insured
ICU Daily Rent Limit Up to 2% of sum insured
Pre-Hospitalization Expenses 30 days
Post Hospitalization Expenses 60 days
Minimum Hospitalization Period 24 Hrs
Day Care Procedure Coverage 139 procedures
Additional Cover for Critical Illness Yes
Pre-Existing Disease / Illness coverage After 48 months and claim free renewal
Waiting Period for New Policy 30 days
Co-Payment Yes
Free Health Checkup Up to 50% for Pre-acceptance health checkup
Ambulance Expenses Up to 1% of Sum Insured, Max - 2500
Non-Allopathic Treatments Up to 25% of sum insured
Donor Expenses Covered
Nursing Allowance Up To 1% of sum insured

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